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Statistical Profile



The total population of the neighborhood is around 64,683 and this table is able to show the comparison between the population density as well as information on housing statuses of the population in comparison to the rest of the city. Rego Park has one of the lowest rates of homelessness at around 0.2% and helps to maintain the overall safe family-friendly tone of the neighborhood.



Almost 17% of the population in Rego Park consists of minors and there are many different facilities, schools, and parks to account for each of them as the city government has created an environment for childhood development.

Mutually Exclusive Race / Hispanic Origin:


Rego Park is not a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood as seen in the chart, however it is clearly shown that the white nonhispanic and the Asian nonhispanic categories are the more prevalent races in Rego Park. Most of which include Eastern European, Russian, Georgian, Middle eastern, South Asian and East Asian.

Employment and Job Access:


There in a high efficacy for employment for those who live in Rego Park and as seen, there have been almost half a million people who have found job success from this neighborhood with a sustainable salary average for the time period.

Housing Occupancy:


There is large real-estate market in Rego Park which is prevalent to see how there is always a state of industrialization within the neighborhood. There is always new scaffolding being put up and it is no new story for the residents who live in Rego Park. The vacant housing units will soon be occupied with new homeowners or renters. One can also see the trend over the past century of the housing construction between Rego Park and the entire rest of the city where in many cases Rego Park has had a higher rate of housing construction that the entire rest of the city including the present.

Housing Prices:


The median price for homes sold in Rego Park has gone up for buyers around $22,000 since last year (as of 2022) (In red to indicate difficulty for buyers)


Ever since the pandemic, there has been a constant increase in the real-estate market, and it is especially prevalent with the overall constant increasing prices in a growing neighborhood. (Percent increases in red to indicate difficulty for buyers)


This statistic on the other hand, is able to show the selling aspect of real-estate in Rego Park where it can be a lucrative opportunity for those who invest in real-estate. (Percentages are in green in order to show sellers how much their property values have grown)

Crime Rates:


There is large shift in the decrease of crime in Rego Park as seen in this timeline where in the years since 1990, crime rates have gone down by 90.8% in total. In all categories expect for rape, there has been a dramatic decrease. As time goes on, the trend shows that there will most likely be even less crime to maintain the family developing tone of the neighborhood.

[1] “NYC Planning Population Factfinder.” NYC Population FactFinder. Accessed May 10, 2022.

[2] “NYC Planning Population Factfinder.” NYC Population FactFinder. Accessed May 10, 2022.

[3] “NYC Planning Population Factfinder.” NYC Population FactFinder. Accessed May 10, 2022.

[4] “NYC Neighborhoods: Mobility and Economic Opputunities.” NYU Rudin Center. Accessed May 10, 2022

[5] “NYC Planning Population Factfinder.” NYC Population FactFinder. Accessed May 10, 2022. 

[6] “11374 Zip Code (New York, NY) Detailed Profile.” City-Data. Accessed May 10, 2022

[7] “Rego Park Housing Market Report.” Rocket Homes. Accessed May 11, 2022

[8] “Rego Park Housing Market Report.” Rocket Homes. Accessed May 11, 2022

[9] “Rego Park Housing Market Report.” Rocket Homes. Accessed May 11, 2022

[10] “Compstat.” Police Department City of New York. Accessed May 10, 2022